Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
0x37 360275d4d668d93f093f4699648d6e92f9d35d3bbffa917f472be2adc2 9964
Interacted With:
0 Pulse
Transaction Fee:
0.14079071 Pulse
Effective Gas Price:
43.8484927 Beat
Execution Stats:
Used 3210845 out of 6000000 Gas (54%)
Gas Fees:
Base Block Fee: 41.3484927 Beat | Max Overall Fee: 76.29753358 Beat | Max Priority Fee: 2.5 Beat
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 3443
Block Position: 92
Call Data:
RollupProcessed(uint256 indexed rollupId, bytes32 dataRoot, bytes32 nullRoot, bytes32 rootRoot, uint256 dataSize)
0 0xf1034928243e3365c0bf101598066f51439bb2a8763ec84cf7902d8917fb974f
1 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000cb5
Data (Decoded):
dataRoot bytes32
dataSize uint256
nullRoot bytes32
rollupId uint256
rootRoot bytes32
Data (Hex):
FeeReimbursed(address receiver, uint256 amount)
0 0xcf4cc329b7982381c7a729b04a403439bbef0749b4a8dbd2a3850218b420bd87
Data (Decoded):
amount uint256
receiver address
Data (Hex):
From To Value
0x737901…42a2ba 0x4b96e9…b011d4 0.00882 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x31a273…e5dfe1 0.00982 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x791e21…17786e 0.0683 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x4b96e9…b011d4 0.00882 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x7f294f…68fa23 0.14113 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x0a9a95…82d114 0.103776 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x97f5eb…0b74fa 0.001237 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x4b96e9…b011d4 0.00906 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xfb325e…5b07fd 0.663863 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x03f9bb…3145e6 0.00688 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x4b96e9…b011d4 0.00906 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x138e69…36b906 0.01152 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x44b9a9…325a00 0.01461 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x10a721…f1b0e9 0.00656 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x10a721…f1b0e9 0.00106 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x9506e7…6a023d 0.0063 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x5322ed…3d331b 0.01087 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xa310e2…ad6827 0.00716 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x9506e7…6a023d 0.00606 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x82bab3…c02752 0.00235 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x93be98…fbcab3 0.00906 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x92f207…ddb9bf 0.123 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x9ea32b…6c9556 0.01241 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x59fb6e…1da9a9 0.00532 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xe1fc5e…e427da 0.018828 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x59fb6e…1da9a9 0.01032 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xb5727b…823414 0.00269 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x01a0b3…c4df7d 0.019063 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x61d876…0923e1 0.018824 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x82df45…b4e572 0.00706 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xfa8522…835e97 0.018827 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x6aa76c…596098 0.018826 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xc474bf…f7f797 0.018823 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x8cd402…0b9f76 0.00918 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xf3fed8…f07f91 0.01227 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xfb71c3…7ac741 0.02623 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xb968af…d80053 0.03906 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xcdf99f…2a5077 0.00928 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x0543c4…ebe2fe 0.00155 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x5ad955…74df85 0.00228 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x7f5d4f…7558e4 0.00199 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x1e8e93…a386bd 0.02988 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xf92f3b…d2ba47 0.00459 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x5ec84f…82f026 0.00282 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x08c621…6889b5 29.89906 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xbe633a…20e6ad 0.00866 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x7d6266…dfd003 0.02715 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x085a1f…e98334 0.07137 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x23157b…fd8dfb 0.00879 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xaeaa79…8abc27 0.00979 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xbc576b…2a3d7b 0.00879 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xbc576b…2a3d7b 0.00979 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xde639c…12b9f2 0.02495 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xbc576b…2a3d7b 0.00879 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x270d27…e64cf8 0.1796 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x48f73a…efdd31 0.01842 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x48f73a…efdd31 0.01644 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x154463…9c238e 0.10814 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x7d4275…e6bd5e 0.02909 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x55cfbb…359526 0.00879 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xe6f00b…fc8b50 0.12966 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x08047f…c0b323 0.00879 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x846ca3…1c9018 0.19487 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x613e6a…19d374 0.01379 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xc7ba9b…fab8a9 0.00079 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x95136e…d1d010 0.01379 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x1956fd…9cb1f3 0.00879 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xc7ba9b…fab8a9 0.02815 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x02f50e…8d8cec 0.00979 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x8ae320…04a396 0.10476 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xdcbf92…5be101 0.19287 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0xd68a6f…3cf054 0.0088 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x628a59…8f695c 0.0088 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x4f8692…4f5ab5 10 Ether
0x737901…42a2ba 0x41a57f…b76734 0.1922 Ether
0x41a57f…b76734 0xfcf752…0a8895 0.13698094 Ether